Discover our vision for the next generation, inspired by Peugeot’s sophisticated style…


Innovative Design

The new projection combines the elegant and refined design of the Peugeot 508 SW with the modern and bold elements of the Opel Experimental. The result is a station wagon that stands out for its sophistication and originality. Carefully crafted details reflect attention to detail and the pursuit of excellence in automotive design.

Advanced technology

In addition to the innovative design, the new generation also brings with it a series of advanced technologies that make the driving experience safer and more comfortable. From driver assistance systems to state-of-the-art connectivity, each element has been designed to provide a unique and immersive experience.

Environmental Sustainability

In a world where environmental sustainability is increasingly important, the new generation stands out for its commitment to the environment. With hybrid and electric powertrain options, the station wagon offers a more sustainable alternative for conscious consumers.

Exclusive Customization

In addition to all the technological and environmental innovations, the new generation also offers a wide range of customization options so that each customer can create a vehicle that is truly unique. From vibrant colors to unique finishes, the possibilities are endless.


Combinando o melhor do Peugeot 508 SW e do Opel Experimental, a nova geração representa o que há de mais moderno e sofisticado no mundo automotivo. Seja pela sua estética arrojada, tecnologia avançada ou compromisso com a sustentabilidade, a perua promete conquistar os corações dos entusiastas de carros em todo o mundo. Compartilhe seus pensamentos e inspire-se para mais ideias inovadoras! 🌟🚗

Credits: kdesignag


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