End of the “way to take the driving test”: possible changes to obtaining a driver’s license


Preparation for practical classes

Before starting practical classes, it is important that the student is well prepared. This includes studying the Brazilian Traffic Code, understanding signs and having basic notions of driving. It is also essential that the student has the necessary documentation up to date, such as ID, CPF, proof of residence and authorization to drive a motor vehicle (ACC), if under 18 years of age.

First practical classes

The first practical classes are dedicated to the basic concepts of driving, such as adjusting the mirrors, correctly using the pedals (accelerator, brake and clutch), making turns, maneuvering the vehicle and parking. This is the time when the student will get used to driving and start to gain confidence.

Improvement classes

As the student masters the basic concepts, practical classes will cover more complex situations, such as driving on roads with heavy traffic, changing lanes, overtaking and driving around roundabouts. It is important that the instructor is attentive to the student's progress and corrects possible errors to ensure safety throughout the process.

Simulations and specific training

In addition to traditional practical classes, it is recommended that the student take mock practical exams and practice specific situations that are usually charged, such as parking in reverse, setting a marker and getting around obstacles. This way, the student will be able to prepare better and increase their chances of passing the exam.

Feedback and corrections

During practical classes, it is essential that the instructor provides constant feedback to the student, highlighting their strengths and pointing out areas that need improvement. Corrections must be made constructively, always aiming at learning and developing the student's driving skills.

Preparation for the practical exam

Before taking the practical exam, the student must undergo a final assessment with their instructor to ensure that they are ready to face the test. It is important to review all the content covered during practical classes and remain calm and focused on the day of the exam.

In general, practical driving classes are essential for training responsible and safe drivers in traffic. With dedication, discipline and adequate guidance, the student will be ready to obtain their driver's license and enjoy the freedom of driving responsibly.


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