Discounts of up to R$ 67 thousand on Amarok, Polo Track and Saveiro at VW


Expo Londrina, considered one of the biggest agricultural events in Brazil, is offering special conditions for those who wish to purchase vehicles during the fair. Automakers are presenting their news and promoting exclusive discounts for visitors who are interested.

Featured news

Among the highlights of the fair is Volkswagen's new Saveiro Robust CS. With a modern and robust design, this model has won over the public for its versatility and performance. Its powerful engine guarantees smooth and efficient driving, whether for work in the field or everyday life in the city.

Special purchasing conditions

During Expo Londrina, those interested in purchasing the Saveiro Robust CS can count on special financing conditions, exclusive discounts and personalized gifts. In addition, the dealerships present at the event are offering differentiated maintenance plans and extended warranties for customers who choose to close a deal during the fair.

Benefits for visitors

In addition to the advantages when purchasing vehicles, Expo Londrina offers a diverse program for visitors. Musical shows, exhibitions of animals and agricultural products, lectures and technical demonstrations are part of the event's agenda, making the experience even more enriching for everyone who attends.

The importance of the event for the automotive sector

Events such as Expo Londrina play a fundamental role in disseminating news and bringing brands closer to the public. In addition to being an excellent opportunity for visitors to get to know market launches up close, it is also a way to boost the local economy and strengthen the automotive sector.

Visit Expo Londrina and enjoy the benefits

If you are looking for a new vehicle, be sure to check out the special conditions offered at Expo Londrina. In addition to finding the best models on the market, you will also be able to enjoy a varied program and unique moments with family and friends. The fair takes place in a safe environment prepared to receive visitors, following all health and hygiene recommendations.

Do not miss this opportunity! Come to Expo Londrina and guarantee your new vehicle with the best conditions on the market. Take advantage of exclusive discounts, special gifts and all the news that car manufacturers have to offer. This is your chance to leave the fair driving the car of your dreams.


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