Fiat Cronos has production halted due to floods in Rio Grande do Sul


Suspension of production due to floods in southern Brazil

Gentlemen, good afternoon:
We inform you that due to the lack of deliveries from our suppliers located in the South of Brazil, as a result of the floods in the region, we are forced to suspend production for the rest of the week in both shifts.

Impact of floods in the South region

Floods in southern Brazil have caused severe damage to the region's infrastructure, affecting not only homes but also companies operating in the region. Our suppliers are struggling to operate normally due to the precarious conditions caused by the floods.

Decision to suspend production

Faced with the impossibility of receiving the raw materials necessary for production, the company was forced to make the difficult decision to suspend activities for the remainder of the week. This measure aims to guarantee the safety of workers and preserve the quality of manufactured products.

Efforts to normalize the situation

We are in constant contact with our suppliers and local authorities to seek solutions that allow activities to resume as soon as possible. We are aware of the impact this suspension could have on our employees, customers and partners, and we are committed to minimizing the losses caused by this adverse situation.

Thank you for your understanding and collaboration

We appreciate the understanding and collaboration of everyone involved in this challenging time. The safety and well-being of our employees is our priority, and we count on everyone's understanding to overcome this situation together.

We hope that the situation will normalize soon and that we can resume activities with all the strength and dedication we always have. We are grateful for the trust and partnership of all our employees, customers and suppliers. Together, we will overcome this challenge and emerge even stronger.

Yours sincerely,


Please stay tuned to official announcements for more information about the resumption of activities.


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