Motor Braking: an essential technique to ensure your safety when descending mountains


When it comes to slowing down a vehicle, the first thing that comes to most people's minds is pressing the service brake pedal. However, there are other ways to slow your car that can be as effective and beneficial as using the brakes.

Using the engine brake:

An alternative technique to reduce vehicle speed is through the use of engine braking. Engine braking takes advantage of the engine's resistance to help slow the vehicle without the need to press the brake pedal. When downshifting or shifting into a lower gear, the engine creates a resistance force that helps reduce speed. This technique is especially useful on steep descents, where excessive use of the service brake can cause overheating and premature brake wear.

Reduced fuel consumption:

In addition to helping to reduce speed, using engine braking can also contribute to fuel economy. When using engine braking in situations where braking would be necessary, the engine consumes less fuel, as it is not necessary to accelerate again after deceleration. This results in more economical and sustainable driving, in addition to preserving the vehicle's brakes.

Greater control and security:

Another benefit of using engine braking as an alternative technique to reduce vehicle speed is increased control and safety while driving. By using the engine brake in conjunction with the service brake, the driver can have greater control over the vehicle's speed, avoiding sudden braking and ensuring smoother and safer driving. Furthermore, using engine braking on steep descents can prevent the brakes from overheating and prevent excessive wear.

Therefore, the service brake pedal is not the only way to slow the car. Using engine braking as an alternative technique can bring several benefits, such as reducing fuel consumption, greater control and safety while driving, and preserving the vehicle's brakes. Therefore, it is important that drivers are aware of this technique and use it appropriately to enjoy safer and more economical driving.


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