Dry Law in Rio: drivers resort to paying “fairies” to avoid traffic stop


The flagrant nature of the Prohibition Operation

Last weekend, during another Prohibition operation, a man was caught charging to drive back vehicles that had been stopped during the blitz. This individual was surprised offering his services to irregular drivers who were approached by the operation team. The man, whose identity was not revealed, has already helped more than 815 irregular drivers to escape traffic stops without suffering due legal punishment.

Operation aimed at traffic safety

The Dry Law is an operation whose main objective is to guarantee traffic safety, combating the dangerous combination of alcohol and driving. During operations, approaches are carried out on vehicles and drivers, aiming to identify drivers who are driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances that may compromise their ability to drive.

Illegal and dangerous practices

The man caught during the last Prohibition operation was carrying out an illegal and extremely dangerous activity. Charging to return vehicles stopped in a traffic stop is a practice that puts traffic safety at risk, as it allows drunk or irregular drivers to continue to circulate on the streets, putting not only their own lives at risk, but also the lives of other drivers. and pedestrians.

Punishments and consequences

The man caught during the Dry Law operation will be subjected to the appropriate punishments provided for by law. Furthermore, drivers who used their services to escape traffic stops are also subject to legal sanctions, such as fines, points on their license and even the suspension of their right to drive.

It is important that society is aware of this type of illegal practice, which compromises traffic safety and puts the lives of everyone who shares public roads at risk. Reports of irregular activities during Dry Law operations must be made to the competent authorities, so that measures can be taken and everyone's safety can be preserved.

The Dry Law operation will continue to operate throughout the country, ensuring that traffic laws are complied with and that the safety of citizens is preserved. It is essential that everyone does their part, respecting traffic rules and contributing to a safer and more conscious environment on our public roads.


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