Drivers who do not perform a toxicological test on time will receive an immediate fine, even if they are not driving


New rules for drivers with categories C, D or E

From now on, drivers who have a license in categories C, D or E and do not carry out a toxicological test by April 30th will be subject to a fine of R$ 1467.35. This measure is part of the new rules established by the National Traffic Department (Denatran) with the aim of curbing the use of psychoactive substances by professional drivers.

What is the toxicological test?

The toxicological examination is a test that detects the presence of illicit drugs or psychoactive substances in the driver's body. It is mandatory for drivers in categories C, D and E, and aims to ensure traffic safety, since drug use can compromise the driver's skills and reflexes.

Why was the fine established?

The fine of R$ 1467.35 for drivers in categories C, D and E who do not carry out a toxicological test by April 30th was established as a way of encouraging compliance with the legislation. Furthermore, the fine aims to make drivers aware of the importance of being in adequate condition to drive large vehicles.

How to carry out the toxicological test?

To carry out the toxicological test, the driver must look for a laboratory accredited by Denatran and collect hair, fur or nail samples. The test result is sent directly to the National Registry of Qualified Drivers (RENACH), and the driver will receive a notification if the presence of psychoactive substances is detected in their body.

Consequences for those who fail to comply with the rule

In addition to the fine established for drivers in categories C, D and E who do not carry out a toxicological test by April 30th, there are other consequences for those who fail to comply with the rule. The driver may have their license suspended, have the vehicle detained and even face criminal charges for putting the lives of other people at risk in traffic.

In summary, carrying out a toxicological test is mandatory for drivers in categories C, D and E, and anyone who fails to comply with this determination will be subject to fines and penalties provided for in traffic legislation. Therefore, it is essential that drivers are aware of the new rules and comply with their responsibilities to ensure traffic safety.


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