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The decision to suspend train circulation

After a thorough analysis of the weather conditions and visibility at the stations, the responsible bodies decided to temporarily suspend the circulation of trains. This decision was taken with the safety of the crew and all those who circulate around the train stations in mind.

Reasons for suspension

The main reason that led to the suspension of train circulation was the driver's low visibility. In situations of poor visibility, the driver may not be able to correctly see traffic signs, just as pedestrians around the station may not be seen in time to avoid possible accidents.

Preventive measures

To ensure everyone's safety, the competent authorities chose to suspend train circulation until visibility improves and weather conditions become more favorable. This preventive measure aims to avoid possible accidents and guarantee the physical integrity of everyone involved.

Suspension impacts

The suspension of train circulation may cause some inconvenience for passengers who use this means of transport daily. However, it is important to emphasize that the safety and well-being of individuals must always come first, and therefore measures like this are necessary in low visibility situations.

Resumption of circulation

As soon as weather conditions improve and visibility is adequate for train circulation, the competent authorities will authorize the resumption of rail transport. It is important that passengers pay attention to the information released by the responsible bodies to know when the service will be restored.

In short, the temporary suspension of train circulation was a preventive measure adopted with the aim of ensuring the safety of everyone involved. The driver's low visibility and unfavorable weather conditions were the main reasons that led to this decision. It is essential that passengers understand the importance of such measures and cooperate to avoid possible inconvenience and accidents.


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