New Values for Traffic Fines, Punctuation and CNH Suspension in 2024


Traffic infractions are classified according to the severity of the incident, and may be light, medium, serious or very serious. Each type of infraction has its specific fine value, which may vary according to the offense committed and also the possible application of multiplying factors.

Minor infractions

Minor infractions are generally those that do not put traffic safety at risk, such as parking in a prohibited place or committing minor traffic violations. The value of the fine for this type of infraction is usually the lowest among all categories and can be further reduced if the driver chooses to carry out the so-called “conversion of a fine into a warning”.

Average infractions

Medium infractions are a little more serious and can include, for example, speeding by up to 20% of the limit allowed on the road. The value of the fine for this type of infraction is slightly higher than for minor infractions, but it is still at a level considered moderate in comparison to serious and very serious ones.

Serious infractions

Serious infractions are those that present a greater risk to traffic safety, such as running a red light or driving a vehicle without having a driver's license. The value of the fine for serious infractions is higher and may also result in more severe penalties, such as suspension of the driver's license.

Very serious infractions

Finally, very serious infractions are those considered the most serious in the Brazilian Traffic Code, such as driving drunk, racing in a race or overtaking in a prohibited place. The value of the fine for this type of infraction is the highest among all categories and can be multiplied by a factor of up to 3 times, depending on the circumstances of the offense.

In addition to paying the fine, traffic violations can result in other penalties, such as the loss of points on your driver's license and the suspension of your right to drive. Therefore, it is essential to respect traffic rules and practice defensive driving, in order to avoid putting your life and that of others at risk.

Remembering that, in the event of a traffic violation, it is important to be aware of your rights and duties as a driver, in addition to finding ways to appeal the imposed penalty, when appropriate. This way, it is possible to guarantee traffic safety and contribute to a more harmonious environment on public roads.


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