Onix stands out in car retail in April; Dolphin Mini is the best-selling electric car in the Top 10


The growth of the national automotive industry in April

The national automotive industry presented a more positive result in April, with an increase of 18.24% in car and light commercial vehicle registrations compared to March. According to data from Fenabrave, this increase shows a gradual recovery of the market after a period of falling sales.

Accumulated results for the year

Year-to-date, 691,370 units have already been registered in the first four months of 2021. This number represents a significant advance compared to the same period of the previous year, indicating a recovery in the automotive sector.

Factors that contributed to growth

Several factors contributed to the growth of the automotive industry in April. Among them, the gradual reopening of commerce, the resumption of production by automakers and the availability of more accessible credit for consumers stand out. Additionally, pent-up demand for vehicles during the period of social distancing also boosted sales.

Outlook for the coming months

The outlook for the coming months is positive, with growth expected to continue in the automotive sector. The recovery of the economy, the expansion of vaccination against Covid-19 and the improvement in credit conditions should further boost vehicle sales.

Challenges to be overcome

Despite the favorable scenario, the automotive industry still faces some challenges, such as the shortage of semiconductors, which has impacted vehicle production in several countries. Furthermore, rising input prices and global economic instability also represent obstacles to be overcome in the short term.

Innovations in the automotive sector

Faced with this scenario, automakers have invested in technological and sustainable innovations to remain competitive in the market. The electrification of vehicles, the development of autonomous cars and the search for more efficient urban mobility solutions are some of the trends that are expected to shape the future of the automotive industry.

In summary, the growth of the national automotive industry in April reflects the sector's recovery after a challenging period. With the continued economic recovery and the advancement of innovations in the segment, the vehicle market in Brazil is heading towards a promising scenario in the coming months.


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