Corolla flex owners say they prefer to fill up only with gasoline due to system failures.


Recurring problems in Toyota Corolla and Corolla Cross

Owners of Toyota Corolla and Corolla Cross have reported a common problem that has generated concern: difficulty starting the engine or failures during operation, known as “choking”. This situation has caused inconvenience to drivers, who are unsure what to do to solve the problem.

Causes of the problem

According to reports from owners, the problem occurs more frequently when vehicles are fueled with ethanol. Many drivers have noticed that, when filling with this fuel, choking becomes more frequent and starting the car becomes more difficult. This has generated great concern, leading some drivers to choose to fill up exclusively with gasoline, in order to avoid further inconvenience.

Impact on drivers' daily lives

Reports indicate that these problems have had significant impacts on drivers' daily lives. In addition to the constant concern about the possibility of the car failing during a trip, the difficulty in starting the engine has led to delays and inconvenience in everyday situations. Furthermore, the additional cost of fueling gasoline instead of ethanol has had an impact on the pockets of drivers, who did not expect to have this type of unexpected expense.

What to do to solve the problem?

Faced with this situation, some owners have been looking for solutions to solve these problems in their Toyota Corolla and Corolla Cross. Some have chosen to carry out more frequent inspections of their vehicles, seeking to identify possible faults that are causing the issues. Others have sought specialized technical assistance in order to evaluate the fuel system and find a more effective solution to the problem.


It is important that Toyota is aware of these reports and seeks to resolve these problems efficiently and transparently, in order to guarantee the satisfaction and safety of its vehicle owners. Meanwhile, drivers should be aware of the symptoms presented by their car and seek specialized help whenever necessary. The safety and proper functioning of the vehicle are essential for a smooth and safe driving experience.


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