Taking the driving test in a private car: advantage or disadvantage?


Recently, the National Traffic Council (Contran) decided to relax the rules for obtaining a National Driving License (CNH), aiming to reduce the costs of the process and make it more accessible to the population. However, one of the measures adopted has generated controversy and concern: the exemption from using a vehicle with double brake control during practical classes.

Security at risk

The double brake control, present in vehicles used in driving schools, allows the instructor to have control over the car in emergency situations, avoiding accidents and ensuring student safety during practical classes. Without this device, the responsibility falls entirely on the driver in training, which could represent a risk for him, third parties and even the instructor himself.

Impact on costs

The measure of dispensing with the use of vehicles with dual brake controls can reduce the costs of the process of obtaining a driver's license, making it more accessible for low-income citizens. However, these savings can be costly in terms of traffic safety. Investing in the training of responsible and prepared drivers is essential to reduce the number of accidents and deaths on the roads.

Possible solutions

A viable alternative would be to maintain dual brake control as a mandatory item in vehicles used in practical classes, ensuring the safety of students and instructors without significantly increasing the costs of the licensing process. Furthermore, it is essential to invest in traffic awareness and education campaigns, encouraging the adoption of safe and responsible habits by all drivers.

Awareness and education

It is important that the bodies responsible for traffic regulation are aware of the consequences of the measures adopted, always seeking a balance between accessibility and safety in the driver licensing process. The population must also be made aware of the importance of adequate and continuous traffic training, respecting the rules and contributing to a safer environment for everyone.

In summary, relaxing the rules for obtaining a driver's license may represent progress in terms of accessibility, but it is essential to ensure that the safety of drivers and other road users is not put at risk. Investing in traffic education and awareness, combined with measures that guarantee the training of responsible drivers, is essential for reducing traffic accidents and deaths.


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