Regulation of drug testing for drivers: find out about deadlines, requirements and penalties


Contran's resolution on toxicological testing

On April 25th, the National Traffic Council (Contran) published a new resolution that regulates issues related to mandatory drug testing for professional drivers. This measure aims to ensure traffic safety and combat the use of drugs by drivers carrying out transport activities.

Application of fines

According to Contran's resolution, the toxicological exam is mandatory to obtain, renew and change the category of the National Driving License (CNH) in categories C, D and E. Furthermore, drivers who are caught driving vehicles in these categories without having After taking the exam, they may be fined up to R$1,467.35, in addition to having their driver's license suspended.

Importance of toxicological testing

The toxicological test is a fundamental tool to identify whether the driver has used psychoactive substances in the last 90 days. Drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines and opioids can compromise a driver's ability to react and concentrate, putting their lives and the lives of other people on the road at risk.

Furthermore, the test is also important to prevent accidents caused by drivers who use drugs irresponsibly. By periodically carrying out this test, it is possible to identify drivers who are under the influence of illicit substances and, thus, take measures to avoid tragedies on the roads.

Impacts on professional transport

Contran's new resolution directly affects professional drivers who work in the transport of cargo and passengers. With the mandatory drug test, companies and self-employed drivers need to adapt to the new rules to continue carrying out their activities legally.

Furthermore, carrying out the drug test also involves an additional cost for drivers, which can represent a financial challenge for many professionals. However, it is important to highlight that investing in traffic safety and the quality of the service provided is essential to guarantee the credibility and sustainability of the transport sector.

In short, Contran's new resolution on toxicological testing reinforces the importance of awareness and responsibility of professional drivers in traffic. Complying with the standards established by the regulatory body is essential to guarantee the safety of all road users and contribute to the construction of safer and more humane traffic.


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