IPVA 2024: Government of São Paulo increases collection by R$ 120 million


“Reminder of Good” Campaign

The “Remembrance of Good” campaign was an initiative by the São Paulo State Department of Finance and Planning to alert taxpayers about the expiry of IPVA (Motor Vehicle Property Tax) payment dates. The idea was to remind vehicle owners of the obligation to pay the tax within the established deadline, thus avoiding possible fines and interest.

Increase in Collection

The result of the campaign was extremely positive, as in February there was an increase of R$ 120 million in IPVA collection. This demonstrates that the communication action was effective in raising awareness among taxpayers and encouraging timely payment of taxes.

Positive Impact on Public Finances

The increase in IPVA collection is extremely important for the finances of the State of São Paulo. With more resources entering the public coffers, the government is able to invest in essential areas such as health, education, public security and infrastructure. Furthermore, the money collected from taxes is essential for the functioning of the administrative machinery and for the payment of public servants.

Taxpayer Awareness

The “Remembre do Bem” campaign also played an important role in raising awareness among taxpayers regarding paying taxes. People often end up forgetting about their tax obligations or leaving it until the last minute, which can cause inconvenience and financial losses. With communication actions like this, it is possible to remind citizens of the importance of keeping their tax obligations up to date.

Importance of Payment of IPVA

IPVA is a fundamental tax for the maintenance of the State and the public services offered to the population. It is with the money raised from this tax that the government is able to guarantee the conservation of public roads, invest in traffic safety and promote improvements in public transport. Therefore, paying IPVA is the responsibility of all vehicle owners and directly contributes to the well-being of society as a whole.

In short, the “Remembre do Bem” campaign was a success and demonstrated the importance of communication in raising awareness among taxpayers. The increase in IPVA collection in February is a direct reflection of the effectiveness of this action, which contributes to strengthening public finances and providing quality services to the population.


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