By 2024, one in every five cars sold will be electric or plug-in hybrid


Growth in sales of electric and plug-in hybrid cars in 2023

The year 2023 was marked by significant growth in global sales of electric and plug-in hybrid cars, reaching almost 14 million new registered units. This represents an increase of 35% compared to the previous year and highlights the growing adoption of electric mobility around the world.

The leadership of China, Europe and the United States

The countries that stood out most in this scenario were China, Europe and the United States, which together accounted for around 9 million vehicles sold. China, in particular, has maintained its leadership position as the world's largest electric car market, driven by favorable government policies and financial incentives.

In Europe, European Union member countries have also seen a significant increase in electric car sales, driven by ambitious carbon emissions reduction targets and growing consumer awareness of the benefits of electric mobility. The United States, in turn, has seen an increase in demand for plug-in hybrids, especially in states like California, where there are policies to encourage the electrification of transport.

The positive impact on reducing carbon emissions

The growth in sales of electric and plug-in hybrid cars has a direct impact on reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change. With the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable vehicle fleet, CO2 emissions from the transport sector are expected to decrease significantly in the coming years.

Furthermore, the popularization of electric cars contributes to reducing air pollution in cities, improving citizens' quality of life and reducing health risks associated with exposure to vehicle pollutants. This also contributes to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and creating jobs in the electric vehicle industry.

The role of public policies and technological innovation

To sustain growth in sales of electric and plug-in hybrid cars in the future, it is essential that governments continue to implement public policies that encourage the electrification of transport, such as purchase subsidies, charging infrastructure and tax incentives. Furthermore, the automotive industry needs to invest in technological innovation to make electric vehicles more affordable, efficient and safe.

The transition to electric mobility is a crucial step in the fight against climate change and the search for a more sustainable future. With sales of electric and plug-in hybrid cars rising in 2023, the automotive industry and governments have demonstrated their commitment to accelerating this transition and making electric mobility a reality for everyone.


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