PL proposes mandatory breathalyzer and prison without bail in case of death behind the wheel


Ensuring greater traffic safety

Bill 1229/24 proposes a series of changes to the Brazilian Traffic Code with the aim of ensuring greater safety on the roads. Among the main changes are the expansion of the use of monitoring cameras, the creation of a new exam for professional drivers and the definition of a maximum speed limit on highways.

More monitoring to prevent infractions

One of the measures proposed by the project is the expansion of the use of monitoring cameras on public roads. With more inspection equipment, it will be possible to curb infractions such as speeding, using a cell phone while driving and disrespecting traffic laws. This is expected to reduce the number of accidents and ensure safer traffic for everyone.

Specific exam for professional drivers

Another new feature presented in PL 1229/24 is the creation of a new exam for professional drivers. This test will aim to assess the driver's ability to deal with adverse traffic situations, ensuring an adequate level of skill and safety for those working in this area. This measure aims to reduce accidents involving cargo and passenger transport vehicles.

Clearer speed limits

The project also establishes a maximum speed limit on highways, with the aim of ensuring greater safety for drivers and pedestrians. With a defined maximum speed, it will be possible to reduce the risk of accidents and promote more organized and safer traffic. Furthermore, the fines for those who violate these limits will be more severe, ensuring compliance with the established rules.


Bill 1229/24, authored by Senator Fabiano Contarato, presents a series of measures to change the Brazilian Traffic Code and ensure greater safety on the roads. By expanding the use of monitoring cameras, creating a new exam for professional drivers and defining clearer speed limits, it is expected to reduce traffic accidents and promote safer traffic for all citizens. It is important that this proposal is discussed and approved in the Federal Senate, so that the necessary changes can be implemented and contribute to improving urban mobility in the country.


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