Do you have a truck driving license? Deadline for toxicology testing is tomorrow.


For drivers who have driving licenses in categories C, D and E, it is important to be aware that, even if you are not driving vehicles in these categories, it is mandatory to carry out a blood alcohol test. The law establishes that all drivers in these categories are subject to inspection and may be required to take the test, regardless of whether they are driving vehicles at the time.

Mandatory alcohol testing

The blood alcohol test requirement for drivers with C, D and E licenses aims to ensure traffic safety and prevent accidents caused by drunk drivers. Even if the driver is not driving a vehicle in the category corresponding to his license, he must still comply with this determination, if requested by traffic authorities during an inspection.

Risks of combining alcohol and driving

The mixture of drinking and driving is one of the main causes of traffic accidents around the world. Drinking alcohol compromises the driver's reasoning ability, motor coordination and reflexes, significantly increasing the risk of collisions and being run over. Therefore, it is essential that drivers always pay attention to alcohol consumption limits and avoid driving under the influence of the substance.

Punishments for drunk drivers

Drivers caught driving under the influence of alcohol are subject to severe punishments, in accordance with the Brazilian Traffic Code. In addition to fines and seizure of the driver's license, a drunk driver can have their vehicle seized and even be taken to the police station, and may face criminal charges for putting the lives of other people at risk in traffic.

Therefore, it is essential that drivers with licenses C, D and E are aware of the mandatory alcohol test, even if they are not driving vehicles in these categories. Complying with this determination is a way of contributing to the safety of all road users and avoiding risky situations in traffic. Awareness of the dangers of combining alcohol and driving is essential to ensure a peaceful and safe coexistence in traffic.


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