Detran-SP allows online transfer of vehicles registered before 2021


Ease of transferring vehicles with the Digital Cluster

Licenciamento e-CRLV

Transferring ownership of a vehicle is becoming easier and faster. Just a month after releasing the Digital Vehicle Transfer service through the Poupatempo app, initially only for cars manufactured from 2021 onwards, Detran-SP now releases the process for older models, with production from 2020 onwards.

Dematerialization of CRV to e-CRLV

Furthermore, for models that still have the document printed on paper currency, it is possible to “dematerialize” the CRV and convert it into its digital form, the e-CRLV. According to Detran-SP, this process can be done in less than 10 minutes in registry offices throughout the State of São Paulo.

Transfer via Aglomerado Digital app

Drivers from São Paulo are able to transfer vehicle documentation through the application Saves time automatically. Until now, the new feature was only valid for individuals who already have the Digital Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate, O CRLV-e. Therefore, the service was only valid for cars manufactured after 2021, with the Mercosur license plate and the State's digital document.

It is important to highlight that it is necessary to have a Gov.Br account at the silver and gold levels to carry out the transaction. As we detail in Car Newspaper, the digital transfer of documents was previously available through the Digital Traffic Card (CDT) for natural persons.

Fast and efficient process

According to the São Paulo Traffic Department (Detran-SP), the automatic Digital Vehicle Transfer process is unprecedented in the country. The transfer is estimated to take just five minutes. Previously, the deadline for completing the process was between three and ten working days.

But, before carrying out the digital process, the vehicle owner needs to inspect the car, as already occurs in the traditional process. The objective of the automatic digital format is to eliminate bureaucracy at a notary's office. The transfer fee, worth R$ 272.27, can be paid via PIX in the app. The platform also authorizes the settlement of other debts.

Step by step for digital vehicle transfer

  • It is necessary to have a Silver or Gold level account on the Gov.Br application;
  • The Poupatempo platform must be downloaded on the seller's and buyer's cell phones;
  • CRLV digital or converted from paper to digital;
  • Vehicle inspection carried out by a company accredited by Detran (approved no more than 60 days ago);
  • Select the “Transfer Vehicle Ownership” option in the Poupatempo app to send the CRLV-e documents and vehicle inspection;
  • The system automatically records the electronic signature, as well as the intention to sell and purchase the car.

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