What to do with those who behave like the “owner of the street”: reserved space and fake sign


Lack of respect for public parking spaces

The practice of reserving public parking spaces with objects is a recurring situation in many cities around the world. The selfish behavior of some people who feel entitled to block a vacancy for their own benefit ends up harming everyone who travels in that region.

Negative impacts on the community

This irresponsible attitude causes several problems for the community. The lack of available parking spaces makes life difficult for those who need to park their vehicle to work, study or carry out other daily activities. Furthermore, blocking parking spaces can cause congestion and traffic delays, affecting urban mobility in general.

Furthermore, by improperly occupying a public parking space, people who carry out this action are disrespecting traffic laws and harming the community. Everyone has the right to use public spaces equally, and the illegal reservation of spaces goes against this principle.

Measures to curb this practice

To combat this abusive practice, it is important that supervision is more active. Bodies responsible for managing traffic in cities must intensify inspection and impose fines on people who unduly block public parking spaces.

Furthermore, awareness campaigns can be carried out to educate the population about the importance of respecting public parking spaces. Informing about the negative consequences of this practice and encouraging mutual respect between citizens are fundamental measures to change this reality.


Improperly reserving public parking spaces with objects is a selfish practice that harms the entire community. It is essential that there is a change in behavior on the part of people who usually block vacancies, as well as a greater commitment from the bodies responsible for curbing this practice.

Respecting public parking spaces is essential to guarantee urban mobility and good coexistence among citizens. Awareness and inspection are important tools to combat this practice and promote safer and fairer traffic for everyone.


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