Ten myths and truths about the consumption and cost of automatic transmission.


Advantages of automatic transmission

The automatic transmission offers several advantages for those looking for comfort and practicality when driving. In addition to not having to worry about changing gears manually, it also provides a smoother and calmer drive, without jerks or jerks.

Greater comfort in traffic

In congested traffic in large cities, the automatic transmission proves to be a real “help in the wheel”. With it, the driver can just concentrate on driving, without having to worry about changing gears. This helps to reduce stress and fatigue when driving.

Ease of use

The automatic transmission is much easier to use than the manual. For those who do not have as much experience behind the wheel, this option can be safer and more comfortable, as it avoids errors when changing gears and possible engine chocks.

Fuel economy

In many cases, automatic transmission can provide greater fuel economy than manual transmission. This is because it is capable of selecting the most appropriate gear for each situation, optimizing the car's performance and reducing fuel consumption.


In short, automatic transmission is a great option for those looking for comfort, practicality and safety when driving. With it, you can enjoy a calmer and smoother drive, without worrying about changing gears. Furthermore, it can contribute to greater fuel economy and reduce the stress caused by heavy traffic. Therefore, if you are looking for more comfort behind the wheel, it is worth considering the automatic transmission option for your next vehicle.


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