Is it possible to accumulate 78 points on your driver's license? Find out more about the rules for motorcycle couriers and app drivers.


The importance of professional drivers

Professional drivers play an essential role in society, being responsible for transporting people and goods safely and efficiently. They are the ones who guarantee the movement of the economy and the functioning of various sectors, such as public transport, logistics and product delivery.

New rules for professional drivers

With the changes to the Brazilian Traffic Inspection Manual, professional drivers now have new responsibilities and rights. In addition to the already known rules, such as respecting speed limits and not driving under the influence of alcohol, it is now necessary to pay attention to the specific requirements for this category.

Among the new rules established are the obligation to carry out periodic toxicological tests, according to the category of the National Driving License (CNH); participation in a specific training course for professional drivers, aiming to improve their driving skills and knowledge of traffic legislation; and the adoption of practices to reduce accidents, such as the use of safety devices and respect for traffic rules.

How to comply with the new rules

To comply with the new rules established, professional drivers must pay attention to the requirements and deadlines stipulated. It is essential to carry out toxicological tests within the specified periods, in accordance with current legislation, as well as participating in the mandatory training course.

Furthermore, it is essential to adopt safe driving practices, such as respecting speed limits, keeping documentation up to date and correctly using safety devices, such as seat belts and braking systems.

The awareness and commitment of professional drivers are essential for traffic safety and compliance with the new rules established. Continuous training and the search for constant updating are essential to guarantee the quality of services provided by these professionals and promote safer traffic for everyone.

In summary, the changes to the Brazilian Traffic Inspection Manual directly impacted professional drivers, who now have new obligations and rights to fulfill. It is essential that these professionals are aware of the requirements and seek to adapt to the new rules, contributing to safer and more efficient traffic.


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