Study shows that electrified cars still suffer greater devaluation than combustion vehicles


Prices are still uncertain

The electrified car market is still unknown in Brazil, especially when it comes to prices. With the technology still under development and the lack of government incentives for the production and acquisition of these vehicles, consumers are afraid to invest in an electrified car.

Resale value is a constant question

One of the main points of concern for consumers considering purchasing an electrified car is resale value. As there is still no consolidated market history and precise projections on the depreciation of these vehicles, many fear losing money when changing cars.

Charging infrastructure is a challenge

Another point that raises doubts regarding electrified cars in Brazil is the charging infrastructure. There are still few charging stations available in the country, which makes the lives of owners of electric or plug-in hybrid cars a little more complicated in terms of planning longer trips.

Maintenance and repairs: still a mystery

With more advanced technology and new propulsion systems, electrified cars can raise questions regarding maintenance and repairs. Mechanics and dealerships are still adapting to this new reality and it is common for consumers to be afraid of higher costs for maintaining an electrified vehicle.

Resistance to change

In addition to uncertainties regarding prices, resale value, charging infrastructure and maintenance, many consumers still resist the switch to electrified cars due to lack of knowledge about the technology and fear of facing problems that do not exist in combustion vehicles.

However, it is essential that consumers interested in electrified cars seek information and update themselves on the topic, considering the environmental and economic advantages that these vehicles can provide in the long term. The evolution of technology will also bring new solutions and improvements that can make electrified cars even more attractive and accessible for the Brazilian market.


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