Study reveals that 98% of Brazilians consider themselves good drivers, but do not follow traffic rules


The myth of the “good driver”

A recent survey carried out with Brazilian drivers revealed a worrying fact: around 98% of those interviewed consider themselves “good drivers”. However, upon deepening the analysis, it was discovered that many of these drivers have dangerous habits behind the wheel, such as exceeding the speed limit, using cell phones while driving and disregarding traffic signs.

Dangerous driving behaviors

Among the attitudes most cited by the drivers interviewed are not using seat belts, driving under the influence of alcohol and inattention behind the wheel. These behaviors represent a risk not only for the driver himself, but also for other road users.

Traffic awareness and education

Given this scenario, the importance of educational campaigns and traffic awareness actions becomes evident. It is essential that drivers understand the seriousness of their actions and adopt safer practices when driving. Furthermore, it is essential that traffic authorities intensify inspections and punish offenders in order to curb risky behavior.

Impact of attitudes on traffic

Drivers' dangerous attitudes have a significant impact on road safety. Traffic accidents caused by recklessness and negligence are responsible for a large number of deaths and injuries each year. Therefore, it is essential that society as a whole mobilizes to promote a culture of respect and responsibility in traffic.

Behavior change

Brazilian drivers need to recognize the importance of changing their behavior in traffic. Small attitudes, such as respecting speed limits, wearing a seat belt and not driving under the influence of intoxicating substances, can make a big difference in preventing accidents.


The research that revealed that 98% of Brazilian drivers consider themselves “good drivers” brings to light a reflection on the need to rethink this self-assessment. Drivers need to take responsibility for their attitudes in traffic and adopt safer behaviors, aiming to preserve life and promote more humane and conscious traffic. Change starts with each one of us.


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