OLX announces new speakers for Conecta Autos 2024


The Car Sales Event in São Paulo

On June 26th, São Paulo will be the stage for an unmissable event for professionals in the car sales sector. With a focus on training and improving sales techniques, the event promises to be an excellent opportunity for those who want to stand out in the market.

High Level Lectures and Workshops

The event will feature lectures and workshops given by renowned experts in the field of car sales. Topics such as negotiation techniques, digital marketing, customer service and loyalty will be covered. Participants will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and acquire new skills that will help them stand out in an increasingly competitive market.

Networking and Business Opportunities

In addition to lectures and workshops, the event will provide excellent networking opportunities among participants. Professionals will have the chance to exchange experiences, share ideas and establish commercial partnerships that could boost their careers. Furthermore, companies from the car sales sector will be present at the event, offering business opportunities and strategic partnerships.

New Trends and Technologies

The car sales market is constantly evolving, and professionals who want to remain competitive need to always be up to date with new trends and technologies in the sector. The event in São Paulo will bring news about innovations in the automotive market, such as electric cars, artificial intelligence and urban mobility. Participants will have the opportunity to get to know these new technologies up close and understand how they can impact their work.

Registration and More Information

Registration for the car sales event in São Paulo is now open and can be done through the official website. For more information, such as the complete schedule, list of speakers and event location, interested parties can access the official website or contact the organization. Don't miss this unique opportunity to improve your knowledge, expand your network of contacts and boost your career in the car sales market.


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